Ak ja kun enkelte links virker, største delen er forsvundet i et stort hukommels tab
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Paul Craig Roberts |
update to the update the attack on gold
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts-A Real Collapse in the Dollar, Gold Could Be $30,000 an Ounce
Paul Craig Roberts - USSA Police State is Getting More Confident But Ends in Collapse
Paul Craig Roberts: By Winter Unemployment Explodes, More Foreclosures |
Mass Economic Collapse explained by Paul Craig Roberts, Ph.D.
Paul Craig Roberts: US is Completely Busted, Non-Delivery of Gold
Paul Craig Roberts - The World is Heading into Nuclear War
Paul Craig Roberts-Flight from Dollar Will Cause Economy to Blow
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Marc Faber |
TDV Interview Series: Marc Faber on Market Collapse and the Stupidity of Central Banks
09/14/2012 Bloomberg interviews Dr. Marc Faber - Gloom, Boom and Doom Report Publisher. |
Mark Faber Outlines the Final End Scenario (NWO SERIES/ ECONOMIC COLLAPSE)
Marc Faber on Gold, Inflation, & the Federal Reserve
It is time to sell on the rallies - Marc Faber |
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Max Keiser |
NYSE Wealth Confiscation Scheme 20/09/2012 |
Keiser Report: Mafia vs OWS (ft. Geralde Celente) (E283) |
Keiser Report: Bankstatocracy (E345) |
Keiser Report: Boom & Bust Vicious Cycle (E346) Detlev Schlichter of PaperMoneyCollapse.com |
Detlev Schlichter (Frisby’s Bulls And Bears) |
Keiser Report: Goodbye, German Gold? (E358) (Dominic Frisby) |
Keiser Report: Kamikaze Currency Killers (E399) |
Keiser Report: Wicked Debt Web (E404) |
Keiser Report: Osborne's Schlub, Schnook, Yahoo & Yo-Yo (E454)
Keiser Report: Strawmen of Finance (E480)
Keiser Report: Mind-Controlled Rat(e)s (E484)
Max Keiser: US/EU deal makes genocide legitimate business model
Keiser Report: Mud Pie of State Benefits (E523)
Keiser Report: Bond Bubble Burst (E609)
OMFG!!! Alex Jones and the Keiser interview 11
Keiser Report: Psycho school of economics (E585)
Keiser Report: Big Problem? Regulators! (E681)
Keiser Report: Russell Brand talks revolution with Max & Stacy (E620)
Keiser Report: Big Problem? Regulators! (E681) |
G20 topmødet er jo mainstream, hvor dem der skabte krisen, nu skal hædres, fordi de forhindre fremtidige kriser. |
Statslederne har talt, tilbage til virkligheden med Max Keiser i topform. |
Keiser Report: Nudging, Bludgeoning & Pigeoning (E672) |
Keiser Report: Wall Street Jihadists (E618) |
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Nigel Farage |
Nigel Farage Compares EU to USSR |
British Ron Paul ?? (Nigel Farage) telling the euro parliment the truth about more and more bailouts |
Nigel Farage EU buying its own debt will mean ECB debt crisis |
Best Nigel Farage speeches |
Stability? Who do you think you're kidding, Mr van Rompuy? - Nigel Farage |
'Who the Hell You Think You Are?' Nigel Farage throws egg in Eurocrat faces |
QT: Euro fascists attack Nigel Farage over sinking Europe (25Nov10) |
UKIP Nigel Farage MEP - European Union and its Communist roots - Feb 2010 |
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911 |
Debunking 9/11 Debunking - Let's Get Empirical - Pt.1 of 9 (A talk by Dr. David Ray Griffin) |
9/11 Eyewitness Commentary / World Trade Center collapse compilation |
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Gerald Celente |
This Is How the Fed Will Seize Your Money in 2023: Gerald Celente |
Gerald Celente on Capitalaccount - 22 June 2012 |
Banking Corruption - @MaxKeiser & @SimonDixonTwitt provide commentry |
Gerald Celente - The Corbett Report 27 Apr 2012 |
Gerald Celente - Stansberry Radio - April 04, 2012 |
Gerald Celente -- Ian Henschke ABC Australia - 26 April 2012 |
Før jeg vidste bedre ville jeg har forkastet denne video pga billedet, men sammenligningen er ganske tæt på. |
Det kræver dog man undersøger den virkligheden, som medierne ikke fortæller om.
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Jesse Ventura & Judge Napolitano ~ Freedom Watch 4/6/11 |
Jesse Ventura's amazing speech |
David Icke - Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protestor |
Is Donald Trump a Hillary Plant? |
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Nicholas Carr - The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains |
Four Horsemen - Feature Documentary - Official Version |
News Not Revealing Real Reasons For Economic Collapse - Paul Craig Roberts 07/10/2012 |
Face to Face with Annie Machon |
The National Biometric ID Card: The Mark of the Beast? |
Elizabeth Warren: Fixing the Banks, Lifting the Middle Class |
http://projects.washingtonpost.com/top-secret-america/ |
Insider Threat: Government Employees Urged to Tattle On Coworkers in Effort to Stop Classified Leaks |
Crony capitalism |
NEWSNIGHT: Glenn Greenwald full interview on Snowden, NSA, GCHQ and spying (Snowden) |
NEWSNIGHT: Paxman vs Brand - full interview |
The Truthseeker: 9/11 & Operation Gladio (E23) |
TEDxStLouis - Ron Shaich - Panera Cares Cafe |
Dick Cheney talks Obama, drones, Afghanistan to Larry King |
John Law and the Mississippi Bubble |
Knud Romer kritiserer nutidens forbruger- og vækstsamfund (2011) |
The Top Secret Trade Deal You Need to Know About TTIP |
David Stockman - Banks Too big to Fail, Another Bubble (17Sep13) |
Wake Up America: Homeland Security Preparing For 2nd Revolution |
Henry Giroux on 'Zombie' Politics |
The New World Order – Part 1. The Betrayal of the Nation |
Sheeple: Why You Should Feel Sorry For Them |
Russell Brand Absolutely Devastates Mika Brzezinski - Morning Joe |
Fox News The Five Attacks Russell Brand Over BBC Interview - October |
Kære aktivist. Kære filosof (Pussy Riots Nadesjda Tolokonnikova) |
Pengehistorie og hverdagsnationalisme |
The Wall Street Code (Marije Meerman, VPRO) |
Eli Pariser: Beware online "filter bubbles" (TED) |
Atombunkeren i Rold Skov |
The NSA-Al Qaeda Connection |
David Simon on Our Rigged Political System |
100 Years of War Lies DEBUNKED |
David Simon on Our Rigged Political System |
GooBing Detroit |
Uncut Chronicles: D-Day 1944. Archive footage of invasion forces & defences |
MUST WATCH: This Woman's Congressional Testimony is Going Viral
ALEX SCHAEFER (The Last Burning Bank) |
Flaske hus |
Earthship Tour - Available for Rental! |
BBC HARDtalk - Glenn Greenwald - Journalist (28/11/13) |
Hedges and Binney on Obama NSA guidelines - Reality Asserts Itself Pt.1 |
Robert Johnson on Oligarchy at Culture Project's IMPACT 2012 Festival |
The Conspiracy 2012 |
Unauthorized Biography of D!ck Cheney ::: full HQ |
Chris Hedges "Fascist Corporatocracy: False Left-Right Paradigm" |
Russell Brand puts MSNBC's Morning Joe in its place
Minecraft texture |
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Rusian TV |
Venture Capital: Free Trade or Hostile Takeover (E16) |
Voltaire's Bastards and the Worship of Reason |
Oliver Stone: "I feel like a dissident against the American Empire" |
Oliver Stone: Obama a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing |
Oliver Stone Tears Apart Obama's Empire |
Oliver Stone: Snowden Is a Hero; Obama Is a Snake |
Sex, Virus & Computer Hack: GCHQ spy arsenal revealed |
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The burning platform |
Culture of ignorance part one |
She survived Hitler. Will she survive Obama? |
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Zerohedge |
"I'm Not Here To Beg You To Open Your F##king Eyes" |
Confusion, Delusions, & Illusions |
ECB Will Boost QE By 120% To €2.4 Trillion, S&P Predicts |
new normal |
Marc Faber warns there no safe haven |
Ron Paul fears future under janet yellen grim indeed |
2013-09-16/ Janet Yellens inability foreseeing financial crisis |
"For my own part," Ms. Yellen said, "I did not see and did not appreciate what the risks were with securitization, |
the credit ratings agencies, the shadow banking system, the S.I.V.'s - I didn't see any of that coming until it happened." Her startled interviewers noted that almost none of the officials |
who testified had offered a similar acknowledgment of an almost universal failure. |
week was october 7th 11th 2013 |
90 Years Ago: The End Of German Hyperinflation |
The Internet Is Now Weaponized, And You Are The Target |
The Hidden Motives Behind The Federal Reserve Taper |
The Hidden Motives Behind The Federal Reserve Taper |
New York Times Says "Lack Of Major Wars May Be Hurting Economic Growth" |
12 Numbers About The Global Financial Ponzi Scheme That Everyone Should Know |
The Death And Decay Of Detroit, As Seen From The Streets |
Wealth Of UK's 1000 Richest People Increased 15% In Past Year; Equal To 3.5x GDP Of Greece |
Europe's Modest Proposal To End Unemployment: Slavery |
Top 1% Has 65 Times More Wealth Than The Bottom Half And The Global Elite Like It That Way |
What 1,592 Days Of Central Planning Looks Like |
It Will Now Cost You 0.75% To Save Money In Denmark: Danish Central Bank Cuts Rates For FOURTH Time In Three Weeks |
Caught On Tape: Dijsselbloem To Varoufakis: "You Just Killed The Troika" |
Denmark Goes NIRP-er; Slashes Rates To -20bps Amid Currency Peg Fears |
Glenn Greenwald On Hillary Clinton: "Soulless, Principle-Free, Power Hungry..." |
The Economic End Game Explained |
How To Rig FX Like A Pro "Bandit", And Make Millions In The Process |
Because Nothing Says "Best Execution" Like Dumping $1.5 Billion In Gold Futures At 0030ET |
Errors Found In The ECB's "Confidence-Boosting" Stress Test |
These Clowns Are Dragging Us Into War |
Meet ICREACH: The NSA's Own Secret "Google" |
10 George Orwell Quotes That Predicted Life In 2014 America |
Ukraine, Lebanon Demand US "Weapons, Aviation, Air-Defense Equipment" |
US Sending 600 Troops, APCs And Tanks To Countries Bordering Russia To "Reassure Threatened Allies" |
The Wonders Of The Modern World: China's Amazing Tower Of Garbage |
Here Comes Snowden 2.0... And How The Government Determines If You Are A "Terrorist Threat" |
Russia Says Has Photos Of Ukraine Deploying BUK Missiles In East, Radar Proof Of Warplanes In MH17 Vicinity |
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